
Open up dial/slider to general purpose functionality

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Currently, the dials are restricted to controlling volume in different ways. I don't have the Pro, but I'm assuming the sliders work the same way.

I would love to be able to use the dials as generic analog input. The classic example is to control brush size in an editing program. I'm also interested in experimenting with things like using the sliders as the throttle in a flight simulator, or using the dial to scrub through video.

I admit that I have zero knowledge of how this would be implemented, so I totally understand if this is outside the scope of this project.

The issue here is that each program you want to control needs it's own protocol, there really isn't anything that can just automatically interface with any program. After your post, support for Open Sound Control was added (which many music development programs use) and you can easily hijack this to send the raw dial/slider signals to a custom script that can then do whatever you want. Most programming languages likely have packages to create your own service - an easy example might be Python with python-osc. However, you would still need to figure out how communicate with the specific program you're using, which may be trickier.