
Show volume value in overlay / Adding step size in controls

Opened this issue · 3 comments

This one isn't really important, I just think it would be a nifty feature to have. It would be nice to have the volume level value appear in the overlay if possible.

If it's possible to set a step size (i.e, volume would only increase by whatever the user sets the step size as) that would also be awesome. Not sure how it could work, but maybe preventing volume change while the knob/slider hasn't reached the next step?

Feel free to shelve if it'd be more trouble than it's worth.

Thanks for working on PCPanel issues and features!

The overlay currently shows the slider position and not the volume level, which will be different when using logarithmic scaling. Do you mean you want to see the actual value after applying the logarithmic scaling or just having a number value next to the bar?

For the step size, it can be made to work that way, but why would you want it to behave that way?

Thanks for responding! Ohh, I haven't tried out the logarithmic scaling extensively. I just thought it'd be nice to see the actual volume next to the bar, since sometimes I take mental notes of volumes so I know what volume to set depending on the situation.

About the step size, I just like having the volumes set to even numbers or multiples of 5... more as a habit, really. 😅

Build 143 should have an option in the settings to include the value of the slider (0-100, linear). I also added options to change the color of the overlay.

I'm not sure about implementing the step size as it's a bit strangs. On top of not fully understanding the usecase, it's also more complicated due to on what the step size should be applied. There are currently a few options for that:

  1. Initial value: 0-255 value of the slider
  2. Translated value: 0-100 value
  3. Resulting value: fully depending on the logarithmic scaling/trim values

Any choice there would be arbitrary and hard to explain. Having steps of 5 for option 2 would mean that the UI will nicely show multiples of 5, but when using trimming or log-scaling would still show not rounded values in Windows.

Using the second value for the number in the overlay is also already arbitrary but I think that that number is at least logical in the scope of the software.