NVIDIA switch is a tool that automates the shifts between your NVIDIA Graphics Card and your Intel without needing to reboot your computer or changing TTY
- 0A7V9A0a7v9a
- Abikebuk
- acidicMercury8@ixray-team @imesense @circuitcraftlab @kolibrios-nextgen
- AeroxflushAmogus Inn postor
- al3xxx
- bestrocker221Italy - Sweden
- cristianoalexandreAveiro, Portugal
- Drombeys@ixray-team IX-Ray Team
- eribertomotaBrazilian Army / Debian Developer
- firasuke@glaucuslinux
- galaxy001
- GhoulBoii
- hakimzulkufliMalaysia
- kpa28-git
- lgdsgd2000上海
- LifeIsStrange
- noctuidAtlanta, GA
- penmerchant
- renanwp2
- roadkell
- sigbartek
- skullcrossbones
- songtao1973
- tonykevinPerú
- valipanRomania
- vishalbelsare
- ZueffCRussia, Melancholic City