
Unexpected behavior trying to set job.cwd to another value in the same function

25d96b opened this issue · 1 comments

25d96b commented

Tree structure of the project:

├── johb.lua

├ ── johb_1
│   └── johb_1.lua
└── johb_test.lua

This test tries to:

  1. Open two buffers
  2. Buffer 1 = johb.lua
  3. Buffer 2 = johb_1.lua
  4. Call get_p:sync() with cwd set on vim.fn.expand('%:p:h')
  5. Change focus from buffer 1 to buffer 2 via vim.api.nvim_set_current_buf
  6. Reset the local variable cwd to vim.fn.expand('%:p:h')
  7. Reset get_p.cwd with the local variable cwd
  8. Call get_p:sync() with get_p.cwd set as the local variable cwd
-- johb_test.lua
-- [[
-- function get_p
--    Call the command 'git rev-parse --show-toplevel'
-- function last_item
--    Return the last item of given path.
--    foo/bar/baz => baz
-- ]]

local j = require("plenary.job")

describe("plenary.job testing", function()
  -- Set the path to reflect your local project path
  local path_to_johb = '/Users/lorenzo/.config/nvim/scratch/johb/'
  local path_to_johb_1 = '/Users/lorenzo/.config/nvim/scratch/johb/johb_1'
  local buf_count = 0
  local buf_list = {}

  local last_item = function(p)
    local sp = vim.split(p, '/')
    return sp[#sp]

  buf_list = vim.api.nvim_list_bufs()

  buf_count = #buf_list

  local get_p = j:new({

  before_each(function() vim.api.nvim_set_current_buf(1) end)
  it("(pre) Should open two buffer", function()
    assert.equals(2, buf_count)

  it("(pre) Buffer 1 should be 'johb.lua'", function()
    local buf_01 = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(1)
    assert.equals(last_item(buf_01), 'johb.lua')

  it("(pre) Buffer 2 should be 'johb_1.lua'", function()
    local buf_02 = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(2)

    local buf = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(0)
    assert.equals(last_item(buf_02), 'johb_1.lua')

  it("(pre) Should move focus to Buffer 1", function()
    local cur_buf = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(0)
    assert.equals(last_item(cur_buf), 'johb.lua')

  it("1. Outside of job it returns the correct path", function()
    local cwd = vim.fn.expand('%:p:h')
    assert.equals(last_item(cwd), 'johb')

    -- Move focus on johb_1.lua buffer

    -- recalculate path after moving focus to buffer 2
    cwd = vim.fn.expand('%:p:h')
    assert.equals(last_item(cwd), 'johb_1')

  it("2. Should return correct path if job.cwd is set manually", function()
    get_p.cwd = path_to_johb
    local ok, _ = get_p:sync()
    assert.equals(last_item(ok[1]), 'johb')

    -- Move focus on johb_1.lua buffer

    get_p.cwd = path_to_johb_1
    ok, _ = get_p:sync()
    assert.equals(last_item(ok[1]), 'johb_1', 'It fails when you try to set to a new cwd the job..')

  it("3. Should return  correct path after re-set get_p.cwd", function()
    local cwd = vim.fn.expand('%:p:h')[1]

    get_p.cwd = cwd
    local ok, _ = get_p:sync()
    assert.equals(last_item(ok[1]), 'johb')

    -- Move focus on johb_1.lua buffer

    -- fix: (maybe?)
    -- to print cwd you should pass
    --    cwd = vim.fn.expand('%:p:h')
    -- to pass cwd as argument to job:new().cmd you should pass
    --    cwd = vim.fn.expand('%:p:h')[1]
    -- print(cwd) returns the correct path, but it pass the old one to get_p.cwd
    cwd = vim.fn.expand('%:p:h')[1]
    get_p.cwd = cwd
    ok, _ = get_p:sync()
    assert.equals(last_item(ok[1]), 'johb_1')

  it("4. Should return correct path after run a new job with new cwd", function()
    local cwd = vim.fn.expand('%:p:h')[1]

    get_p.cwd = cwd
    local ok, _ = get_p:sync()
    assert.equals(last_item(ok[1]), 'johb')

    -- Move focus on johb_1.lua buffer

    -- print(cwd) returns the correct path, but it pass the old one to get_p.cwd
    cwd = vim.fn.expand('%:p:h')[1]

    local get_p2 = j:new({
      cwd = cwd
    ok, _ = get_p2:sync()
    assert.equals(last_item(ok[1]), 'johb_1')

Take a look at test 1:
I've set local cwd = vim.fn.expand('%:p:h')
Move focus to buffer 2 and reset that with the same expand
The test passed.

In tests 2, 3 I've done the same thing and set the job.cwd property to the local cwd but the test failed.
This is something strange to me because in tests 2, 3, 4 only the second part of the test fails when I reset the cwd variable

To be sure to reproduce exactly how I do:

  1. Recreate the tree structure as mentioned in this issue. ( contents of johb.lua and johb_1.lua it's not important, I've leaved them both empty )
  2. Replace local path_to_johb and local path_to_johb_1 with the correct path, based on your local machine
  3. Run this command from the root folder:
nvim --headless -c 'PlenaryBustedFile johb_test.lua'

Running the command from the terminal returns this result:

echo $PWD && git -C $PWD rev-parse --show-toplevel
/Users/lorenzo/.config/nvim/scratch/johb/johb_1 # this is the same path passed as path_to_johb

❯ echo $PWD && git -C $PWD rev-parse --show-toplevel
/Users/lorenzo/.config/nvim/scratch/johb # this is the same path passed as path_to_johb_1

It's possible that I've missed or misunderstood something...

25d96b commented

This is the test result:

Scheduling: johb_test.lua

Testing: 	/Users/lorenzo/.config/nvim/scratch/johb/johb_test.lua
Success	||	plenary.job testing (pre) Should open two buffer
Success	||	plenary.job testing (pre) Buffer 1 should be 'johb.lua'
Success	||	plenary.job testing (pre) Buffer 2 should be 'johb_1.lua'
Success	||	plenary.job testing (pre) Should move focus to Buffer 1
Success	||	plenary.job testing 1. Outside of job it returns the correct path
Fail	||	plenary.job testing 2. Should return correct path if job.cwd is set manually
            /Users/lorenzo/.config/nvim/scratch/johb/johb_test.lua:111: It fails when you try to set to a new cwd the job..
            Expected objects to be equal.
            Passed in:
            (string) 'johb_1'
            (string) 'johb'

            stack traceback:
            	/Users/lorenzo/.config/nvim/scratch/johb/johb_test.lua:111: in function </Users/lorenzo/.config/nvim/scratch/johb/johb_test.lua:101>

Fail	||	plenary.job testing 3. Should return  correct path after re-set get_p.cwd
            /Users/lorenzo/.config/nvim/scratch/johb/johb_test.lua:134: Expected objects to be equal.
            Passed in:
            (string) 'johb_1'
            (string) 'johb'

            stack traceback:
            	/Users/lorenzo/.config/nvim/scratch/johb/johb_test.lua:134: in function </Users/lorenzo/.config/nvim/scratch/johb/johb_test.lua:114>

Fail	||	plenary.job testing 4. Should return correct path after run a new job with new cwd
            /Users/lorenzo/.config/nvim/scratch/johb/johb_test.lua:157: Expected objects to be equal.
            Passed in:
            (string) 'johb_1'
            (string) 'johb'

            stack traceback:
            	/Users/lorenzo/.config/nvim/scratch/johb/johb_test.lua:157: in function </Users/lorenzo/.config/nvim/scratch/johb/johb_test.lua:137>

Success: 	5
Failed : 	3
Errors : 	0
Tests Failed. Exit: 1