
Bug: Two status lines appear when using nvim -p[x] and switching tabs

lioil987 opened this issue · 8 comments

Self Checks

  • I'm using the latest lualine.
  • I didn't find the issue in existing issues or PRs.

Screenshot from 2024-02-29 22-17-09

i found this problem with other plugin too but i like lualine so ... i am saying the issue here excuse me XD

I have this exact same issue. Just switched to Lazy Vim since Lunar Vim maintainer vanished. Thought it was an issue with LazyVim default config but it doesn’t appear that’s the case

@lioil987 are you using LazyVim by any chance? If you are, are you using the Noice plugin?

@ParisTheProgrammer I don't use LazyVim, but I do have noice installed. I tried disabling noice and the problem went away. I also tried disabling lualine and re-enabling noice and the problem came back. So it seems like the problem is with noice and not lualine.

Thank you for your attention. It seems the issue lies in the noice, i removed that for preventing me from fully reading the message. However, I've retained this page. but I'm grateful for your assistance.

sorry i am new in git , if i close or open or... something is not intentional

and please see my projects and say your opinion