
Clipboard expansion fails when URL encoding is contained

swnakamura opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug

In org-capture functionality, you can use %x template to expand clipboard item. However, it fails when the clipboard contains %-encoded string such as %20, which frequently appears in URL strings.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Make an item in org_capture_templates that contains %x in template. For example,
t = {
  description = 'Test',
  template = '* TODO [[%x][%?]]\n',
  1. Copy a text to the clipboard that contains URL encoding, e.g., nvim-orgmode%20is%20great!
  2. Capture the clipboard by <leader>oct (t is the template key).
  3. You'll encounter the error below:
[orgmode] .../nvim-orgmode/lua/orgmode/capture/template/init.lua:230: invalid capture index

Expected behavior

Properly open capture window according to the template, e.g., * TODO [[nvim-orgmode%20is%20great!][]]

This might be because the %-encoding in Lua regex is treated as capture. I could have the intended behavior by doubly encoding the string:

diff --git a/lua/orgmode/capture/template/init.lua b/lua/orgmode/capture/template/init.lua
index 0a01c03..941b4cb 100644
--- a/lua/orgmode/capture/template/init.lua
+++ b/lua/orgmode/capture/template/init.lua
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ local expansions = {
     return os.getenv('USER')
   ['%x'] = function()
-    return vim.fn.getreg('+')
+    return vim.fn.getreg('+'):gsub('%%', '%%%%')
   ['%t'] = function()
     return string.format('<%s>', Date.today():to_string())

But I'm not sure if this is the proper solution.

Emacs functionality

No response

Minimal init.lua

local tmp_dir = vim.env.TMPDIR or vim.env.TMP or vim.env.TEMP or '/tmp'
local nvim_root = tmp_dir .. '/nvim_orgmode'
local lazy_root = nvim_root .. '/lazy'
local lazypath = lazy_root .. '/lazy.nvim'

-- Install lazy.nvim if not already installed
if not vim.loop.fs_stat(lazypath) then
        '--branch=stable', -- latest stable release

        dependencies = {
            { 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter', lazy = true },
        event = 'VeryLazy',
        config = function()
            -- Load treesitter grammar for org

            -- Setup treesitter
                highlight = {
                    enable = true,
                ensure_installed = { 'org' },

            -- Setup orgmode
                org_capture_templates = {
                    t = {
                        description = 'Test',
                        template = '* TODO [[%x][%?]]\n',

}, {
    root = lazy_root,
    lockfile = nvim_root .. '/lazy.json',
    install = {
        missing = false,

    wait = true,
    show = false,

Screenshots and recordings

No response

OS / Distro

macOS 14.3.1 (23D60)

Neovim version/commit

NVIM v0.10.0-dev-24d26b4 Build type: Release LuaJIT 2.1.1707061634

Additional context

No response

Should be fixed now, thanks for reporting.