
Add current_file option.

Weissle opened this issue · 1 comments

-- around lua/spectre/init.lua line 80
-- add current_file option.
opts = vim.tbl_extend('force', {
        cwd = nil,
        is_insert_mode = state.user_config.is_insert_mode,
        search_text = '',
        replace_text = '',
        path = '',
        current_file = false,     
        is_close = false, -- close an exists instance of spectre then open new
        is_file = false
    }, opts or {}) or {}
-- copy from open_file_search.
if path == '' and current_file == true then
    local path = vim.fn.fnameescape(vim.fn.expand('%:p:.'))
    if vim.loop.os_uname().sysname == 'Windows_NT' then
        path = vim.fn.substitute(path, '\\', '/', 'g')
    opts.path = path

Do you think this change provides better scalability?

stale commented

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