
Allow to parse search phrase in quotes "as is"

mambusskruj opened this issue · 3 comments

Let's say I want to search for parameter --jobs in files. And for that I need to escape dashes with backslashes even while I use quotes for search phrase (like this "\-\-jobs").

So I propose to parse characters "as is" in quotes for search phrase.
Example: for "--jobs" prompt -> search phrase will be --jobs

rg "--jobs" is the same as rg --jobs, which results in this error:

error: Found argument '--jobs' which wasn't expected, or isn't valid in this context

You need to tell the program to stop parsing the options list, i.e. rg -- --jobs

You can use this function instead of the default quote_prompt:

local action_state = require("telescope.actions.state")
local function quote_prompt(bufnr)
  local picker = action_state.get_current_picker(bufnr)
  local prompt = picker:_get_prompt()
  prompt = vim.trim(prompt)
  prompt = "-- \"" .. prompt:gsub("\"", "\\\"") .. "\""
  vim.cmd.normal{ "I", bang = true }

@notpeelz wow, thank you so much!

I have re-opened the issue. Searching for --jobs should work. The comment is a possible workaround. I will take a look and add something to the plugin.