
Media not work!

azchatlanin opened this issue · 8 comments

I think I understood why some of the issues wrote that the preview was not working. It depends on the terminal. It really doesn't work in kitty. But when I run neovim in alacrity, everything becomes working.

Why does this not work in Kitty 😔?

Because I run it in kitty and it didn't work, and when I run it in another terminal, it worked. Oh, how! Magic:)) Just information. Perhaps it depends on the settings of the terminal itself.

have you solved the problem?

adelarsq/image_preview.nvim recently started to support Kitty.

bump. I've tried this in both kitty and wezterm, not working for me in either, have tried in and out of tmux session. Catimg works outside of neovim.

also tried alacritty, no dice.

i got the same issue in iTerm2.