
No way to add/override icons for filetypes

classabbyamp opened this issue · 4 comments

the get_icon_*_by_filetype api relies on the filetypes local, which cannot be extended or modified externally. this makes it impossible to add an icon for a custom filetype, and because lualine uses the _by_filetype api, it cannot use any custom icons.

would it be possible to add a set_icon_by_filetype or make filetypes publicly accessible?

this solves my issue

diff --git a/lua/nvim-web-devicons.lua b/lua/nvim-web-devicons.lua
index 4301079..d8b6a73 100644
--- a/lua/nvim-web-devicons.lua
+++ b/lua/nvim-web-devicons.lua
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ local function refresh_icons()
 -- Map of filetypes -> icon names
-local filetypes = {
+M.filetypes = {
   ["avif"] = "avif",
   ["bzl"] = "bzl",
   ["brewfile"] = "brewfile",
@@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ function M.get_icon(name, ext, opts)
 function M.get_icon_name_by_filetype(ft)
-  return filetypes[ft]
+  return M.filetypes[ft]
 function M.get_icon_by_filetype(ft, opts)

by allowing me to do require("nvim-web-devicons").filetypes["srcpkg"] = "void"

would that be an acceptable change to PR?

That would be great.

Let's use a setter set_icon_by_filetype please instead of exposing the internals.

Confirmed: no action will be needed in the case of colourscheme change etc.

but inside the setter, that mechanism is the way to go?

but inside the setter, that mechanism is the way to go?

Yes please - completely override or add.