
Insufficient documentation regarding keymaps

goncalves-diogo opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi, I'm currently trying to get this to work on my workflow and i can't reach any breakthrough.

My current configuration file has:

tree_docs = {
    enable = true,
    keymaps = {
        doc_node_at_cursor = "<leader>a"

I was trying to remap doc_node_at_cursor to a. However i can't seem to get this to work. I've also ran :nmap in order to see all the normal mappings and it is not mapped at all

Mte90 commented

I agree with that I see that also the default hotkey is not mapped in vim.

Noting for future readers: I haven't been able to figure out why, but I think this plugin can't map when something else exists at the beginning of the map. That's a poor way of explaining, so hopefully this is clearer: the default mapping is gdd. If you have any mapping that begins with g, the mapping won't apply. I think this is also why mapping to <leader> doesn't work, either. The way I figured it out was by trying different mappings and found one that didn't have anything (for me, this was fb).