
vim statusline like spacemacs

Primary LanguageVim ScriptMIT LicenseMIT


The best vim statusline plugin.



  • Fast load speed
  • More separator support
  • Highly customizable
  • More beautiful than other statusline plugins
  • Special color scheme
  • File icon syntax highlight
  • Scroll bar


  • Easy installed with a plugin manager like vim-plug
Plug 'glepnir/spaceline.vim'
" Use the icon plugin for better behavior
Plug 'ryanoasis/vim-devicons' or 'kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons' --neovim only


  • spaceline provide some separator groups, the default group is arrow
let g:spaceline_seperate_style = 'arrow'
group Screen shot
none none
arrow arrow
arrow-fade arrow-fade
curve curve
slant slant
slant-fade slant-fade
slant-cons slant-cons
  • Use this setting to change the spaceline colorscheme, now builtin colorscheme space,one, nord, dracula
let g:spaceline_colorscheme = 'space'
  • g:spaceline_custom_vim_status custom vim status display. Default is
 {"n": "🅝 ","V":"🅥 ","v":"🅥 ","\<C-v>": "🅥 ","i":"🅘 ","R":"🅡 ","s":"🅢 ","t":"🅣 ","c":"🅒 ","!":"SE"}
  • g:spaceline_custom_buffer_number custom buffer number display value is list

  • g:spaceline_diagnostic_tool set your diagnostic plugin. Default is coc, other values are: nvim_lsp, ale

  • g:spaceline_diagnostic_errorsign set the error sign. Default is

  • g:spaceline_diagnostic_warnsign set the warn sign. Default is

  • g:spaceline_diagnostic_oksign set the ok sign. Default is

  • g:spaceline_git_branch_icon set the git branch icon default is empty

  • g:spaceline_custom_diff_icon custom diff icon. Default is

  • g:spaceline_diff_tool set the git diff tool default is coc. Other values are: git-gutter, which requires the vim-gitgutter plugin; vim-signify, which requires the vim-signify plugin.

  • g:spaceline_function_icon set the function icon

  • g:spaceline_scroll_bar_chars set the scroll bar chars. Some alternatives:

" one char wide solid vertical bar This is default
let g:spaceline_scroll_chars = [
  \  ' ', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''
  \  ]

" two char wide fade-in blocks
let g:spaceline_scroll_chars = [
  \ '  ', '', '', '', '', '█░', '█▒', '█▓', '██'
  \ ]

" three char wide solid horizontal bar
let g:spaceline_scroll_chars = [
  \ '   ', '', '', '', '',
  \ '', '', '', '', '█▏ ',
  \ '█▎ ', '█▍ ', '█▌ ', '█▋ ', '█▊ ',
  \ '█▉ ', '██ ', '██▏', '██▎', '██▍',
  \ '██▌', '██▋', '██▊', '██▉', '███'
  \ ]

let g:spaceline_scroll_chars = ['', '', '', '', ''] " on macOS

let g:spaceline_scroll_chars = ['', '', '', '', ''] " on Linux

Goyo Support

  • check out thinkvim usage


  • Why do the symbols look weird in my vim?

Make sure you have installed nerdfont font from https://www.nerdfonts.com/, different fonts may be inconsistent in the performance of symbols. If you are using iTerm2 on macOS, you can set a different font for symbols.

Another solution is to use kitty terminal. Kitty has built-in symbol font support and supports both Mac and Linux.
