
SarifRuleBuilder Constructor Causes Loss of Valid SARIF Rule Options

AlexWilson-GIS opened this issue · 0 comments

export class SarifRuleBuilder {
rule: ReportingDescriptor = {
id: 'SARIF_BUILDER_INVALID: Please send the rule identifier in id property, or call setRuleId(ruleId)',
shortDescription: {
text: 'SARIF_BUILDER_INVALID: Please send the rule text in shortDescription.text property, or call setShortDescriptionText(text)',
// Initialize SARIF Run builder
constructor(options: SarifRuleOptions = {}) {
setOptionValues(options, this.rule);

This is basically the same issue as my previous one (#55), only this time it applies to the rule, rather than the result. My suggested fixes are the same.