
Set screens with wildcard [FEATURE REQUEST]

xi-pinmping opened this issue · 2 comments

I have noticed when connecting to my dock after boot, my displays show up as a higher increment, i.e. DP-4 and DP-5 become DP-6 and DP-7 after disconnect and reconnect. As you can imagine it makes it kind of annoying if you want to retain a background instead of it being gray.

Something swaybg did that I liked was allowing the wildcard to be used to select all displays to set the background on all. This would hopefully prevent incremented device names from being excluded from the wallpaper.

Obviously the easy answer would be set wallpapers for a bunch of number but this is kind of hacky, and using azote to correct the behavior results in me needing to set the bg AGAIN at the next normal boot with the lowest increments of monitor names.

Loving the easy to manage interfaces though, very intuitive and efficient imo. Keep up the A+++ work!


I've never tested it in real life, as my lappy has no Thunderbird port, but this option was added to resolve the issue w/ changing display names:


However, there was some change in the way sway creates these names, and I'm not sure if I updated Azote to reflect it. I need to check.

[edit] See: #181

This is the behavior I was looking for, tested on my thinkpad dock and works like a charm. Thanks a ton!