
Monitor identifiers wrong/reversed

FluffBallFloof opened this issue · 4 comments

Azote is attaching the wrong identifiers to my monitors

Left monitor should be my HDMI-0 the 1920x1200 one, right is the vertical VGA-0 1080x1920

Fedora rawhide with i3

happening on version 1.12.3


Sorry I don't really have much info, I'm not sure why it's IDing them wrong.

Which compositor or WM do you run Azote on?

i3wm, annoyingly I don't have that monitor config anymore so I can't really do much troubleshooting without dragging my PC across the house. Finally bought a fresh pair of monitors.

Congrats! ;) I haven't used i3 (nor any other X11 stuff) for at least 2 years now, so it would be difficult as hell to debug this issue on my side. Do you think it could be closed?

Probably, my current monitor config doesn't have this issue so it isn't worth chasing down.