
the cursor size function not working

NotWinder opened this issue · 4 comments

hi when i set a size for the cursor it dosen't apply it.(it only applys it for google chrome)
i did get it working by setting the cursor in .Xresources
but i wanted to inform you with this problem

i'm using dwm on debian 12

sawb commented

Same here, but I don't see the setting taking effect anywhere.
I'm on Wayland, so not sure if I can change it in Xresources as you did.

Using Hyprland on Arch here.

I was able to set my cursor settings with the 2 gsettings commands.
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-theme 'Bibata-Original-Amber'
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-size '16'

Yeah same here. Cursor theme only seems to be applied to windows using gtk.

After some digging, the reason this seems to be happening is that sway handles this as well. See man 5 sway-input. Solution was to add this to my config:

seat * xcursor_theme Adwaita 24

This is a GTK settings editor, not a part of Hyprland ecosystem. Over GTK windows the cursor size changes, provided that you don't override it in env variables. The rest is out of my range.