
Customize "PlexStatus" channel name

Metuant opened this issue · 3 comments

Possible to allow customization of the channel name for "PlexStatus" option?

I'm curious, what would you rename it to?

You can remap the channel to a different channel ID if you want.

Would prefer "Friendly server name: Online/Offline"

First inclination was map to a channel ID as recommended but tauticord renames to the "Plex Server: Online/Offline"

Does this clarify?

Yes, that clarifies it.

Unfortunately, renaming the channel would introduce a breaking change for those currently using Tauticord that I don't believe is justified with the change.

You can always rename the voice channel category that the "Plex Status" channel is in, if you are attempting to do some sort of multi-server setup and need to specify which Plex server is being monitored.