
updating grunt version in package.json

artynet opened this issue · 3 comments

I think that the minimum version of grunt should be updated as dependecy since it is not compatible with the latest release of grunt-cli (which requires grunt v1.0.1). I get this error :

npm WARN grunt-nw-builder@2.0.0 requires a peer of grunt@~0.4.2 but none was installed

my main set up is running node v0.10.38 and npm v3.8.6 (the latest version). However, I also tried with the latest LTS and Stable version of Node.Js (v4.4.2 and v5.10.1) getting the same issue....

Regards, Arturo

+1 - Having similar issues with the grunt version not being up-to-date.

rejas commented
