
Security warning stops running nwjs on MacOS

pragma-git opened this issue · 2 comments

Issue Type

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  • Bug Report

  • Feature Request

  • Successfully reproduced against the latest version of NW.js?

Current/Missing Behavior

Cannot run downloaded nwjs due to macos security concerns. Previously the downloaded nwjs.app could be made to run by right-click on the app and select 'Open' (the first time only, after that it worked by double-clicking)

Expected/Proposed Behavior

I expected to be able to run the downloaded nwjs version by right-clicking nwjs.app and selecting 'Open' as before

Additional Info

Problem is solved by this command (which I have not seen documented on the download page)
sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine /Applications/nwjs.app

One solution may be to hint this on the download page?

The installation procedure I use is to unzip the downloaded file nwjs-sdk-v0.89.0-osx-arm64, and then copy the nwjs.app from the unzipped folder into /Applications

  • Operating System: Macos Ventura
  • NW.js Version: 0.89 SDK
  • Repro Link: nwjs software download page https://nwjs.io/downloads/
  • Code snippet:
  • Crash report:

@pragma-git Added to the wiki's FAQ. Where do you suggest this to be added in the docs?