
Start exe, the main window icon is normal, and the sub window icon is red

Closed this issue · 2 comments

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Current/Missing Behavior

nw.jsV0.93.0,Open the online webpage link,Start exe,the main window icon is normal,In my webpage, JavaScript uses window.open to open subpages,the sub window icon is red

Expected/Proposed Behavior

Hope the sub window icon is consistent with the main window icon

Additional Info

  • Operating System: window10, 64
  • NW.js Version: v0.93.0
  • Repro Link:
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  • Crash report:

Please provide a code snippet to reproduce this behaviour

I had this issue also. Not sure if it is a bug. I expected the new window to have the same icon as the main window also.

You can specify the window icon when you call window.open using the icon subfield mentioned here Window subfields. Then your window will have whatever icon you want.