
MarkerWithLabel: dom elements inside labelContent

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello folks, 
This is the slightly modified version of basic.html example file.

The marker on the right, has some DOM elements inside its 'mouseover' 
labelContent.. But if you move the mouse over the first label.. it seems to 
trigger the mouseout event.. What causes it to strangely blink 

I can't really get around it ..

The way I'm doing it

     var html = '<div id="" style="margin-top:2px">'+
                              '<div width="285">'+              

                                      '<div width="90" height="80" align="center" style="vertical-align: top">'+
                                          '<div style="display:inline-block;margin-top: 12px;">'+
                                            '<img src="http://cdn-careers.sstatic.net/careers/Img/logos/careers-logo.png?v=4daa70d5b71e" width="80" height="52">'+
                                      '<div width="185" align="left" style="color:#FFF; font: 12px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">'+
                                        '<div style="display:inline-block;height:80px;margin-top: 2px;overflow:hidden" title="TITULO DO MARCADOR" alt="ALT DO MARCADOR">'+
                                            '<div style="font-family: arial,tahoma;line-height: 14px;color:white"><strong>TITULO DO MARCADOR</strong><br> 6 quartos<br>Valor: 15000000 <br>Area: 120 m2</p>'+

google.maps.event.addListener(marker1, "mouseover", function (e) {  
console.log('mouseover'); this.set('labelContent',this.labelNovo); });

     google.maps.event.addListener(marker1, "mouseout", function (e) { console.log('mouseout'); this.set('labelContent','abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyz') });
     google.maps.event.addListener(marker2, "mouseover", function (e) { this.set("labelContent",html) });

     google.maps.event.addListener(marker2, "mouseout", function (e) { this.set("labelContent",'OUTOUTOUTOTU') });

Browser / Operating System:
[e.g. Chrome/ W8]

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Original issue reported on code.google.com by fmmarme...@gmail.com on 25 Sep 2014 at 1:33


Original comment by fmmarme...@gmail.com on 29 Sep 2014 at 6:25