
GoTODefination having issue

shubham399 opened this issue · 2 comments

Getting this error.

[Info  - 12:50:01 PM] [Error] Parsing the command failed. Command: {"params":{"currentModule":null,"filters":[{"params":["module"],"filter":"declarations"}],"search":"SomeType"},"command":"type"} @(main:Command.Ide app/Command/Ide.hs:187:17)
[Error - 12:50:01 PM] Request textDocument/definition failed.
  Message: Request textDocument/definition failed with message: Error parsing Command.
  Code: -32603 


npx pulp --version
Pulp version 12.3.0
purs version 0.12.0

Unfortunately that's an old compiler version, the version support policy of this extension/the language server is that the current and previous major versions are supported, anything older may or may not work.

This operation uses a part of the psc-ide protocol that is not supported by your compiler version.

The options are to continue without goto-definition (if other features are working); or install a specific older version of IDE PureScript extension - I think somewhere around 0.19.0 may be around the correct version in the history.

Thanks 👍🏼