
Error when call stop() on v2

brucedk opened this issue · 5 comments

Hello, I was making some tests to use v2, and using the example that comes with it when a stop function it gives me the error of the pic below


How are you using it? If you can show an example I can take a look.

@tobiasandersen I use it via chrome console, I'm using the .html render version, all the other commands works (play, pause, update)
The stop command work, but when it calls onComplete, it gives this error above

cb282fb should have fixed that issue — can you try with the latest version (1.0.0-next.5)?

I made a yarn upgrade here, but now there is another module with this problem:

Error: Cannot find module 'C:\Users\Switcher\Documents\GIt\casparhooksriot\node_modules\is-core-module\index.js'
 babel-loader@8 requires Babel 7.x (the package '@babel/core'). If you'd like to use Babel 6.x ('babel-core'), you should install 'babel-loader@7'.

any thought?

I figure out here, my yarn was with some issues, I reinstalled all the packages and now works, thanks