
Sync files from local to cloud and cloud to local.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Sync files from local to cloud and cloud to local. (in other words, copies files from one folder to another)

Config format

Each configuration is its own object.

"configname": {},
"configname2": {},
"minecraft": {}

The name of the object will be used as the name in cloudsyncy.

Configuration options

overwriteExisting (boolean) - Whether to overwrite existing files during copying.

deleteDestinationContentsBeforeCopy (boolean) - Whether to delete the files in the destination folder before copying.

local (array) - A list of folders that are considered the "local" folders.

cloud (array) - A list of folders that are considered the "cloud" folders.

ignoreLocal (array) - A list of folders to ignore when copying files from local to cloud.

ignoreCloud (array) - A list of folders to ignore when copying files from cloud to local.


Can cloudsyncy be ran without the fancy interactive picker at the start?

Yes! If you pass arguments to cloudsyncy, it will skip the interactive picker.

node index --config minecraft --mode ctl

important! cloudsyncy won't work if you use -, please use -- for arguments.

--config is the name of the object in config.json to use, and --mode is the mode to use - ctl (cloud to local) or ltc (local to cloud).