
Provide way to persist rules in database.

Closed this issue · 8 comments


This feature will enable storing of ACL configuration rules in a database for persistence. This will make the configuration rules portable and easy to manage if used in multiple apps.

I'll like to help out with this issue, but I'll need you to shed more light on this especially;

"This will make the configuration rules portable and easy to manage if used in multiple apps".

A simple use case will be good.

@akabiru maybe you could provide more context on this for @cjndubisi?

@goizueta @andela-thomas might be in a better position to flesh it out.

Action Plan:

  • Read up on redis (use online tutorials) - 1/2 day
  • Read source code to find the best way to integrate redis into express-acl - 1/2 day
  • Integrate redis into express-acl - 1 day
    • use .env port and host for app & redis
    • fetch config from redis else read from file
  • write tests cases - 1 day

Start date: Thursday, 25th Nov.
Expected end date: Tuesday, 28th Mov.

@cjndubisi Make sure you install ZenHub so that we can track your progress

Hi @andela-thomas, I have completed Redis integration, however 24/71 tests are failing. Last we talked, the asynchronous nature of Redis in the acl.config seems to be the problem.

I'll try adding this feature as a plugin var acl_redis = require('express-acl/redis').

Has this issue been solved?

@adesege Not really, I am currently making some few rewrite to support sub routing, once that is done we can revisit this issue