
Double open quote page

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I got this bug when open quote page


I guest it is because of I use HTMLLinkElement (a#href) with Vue attr @click.stop on that open link icon. And the reason why I use this attribute is because in the quote card itself have the same on-click event which makes the child components in it will be affected by this event, therefore we need to filter that this action icon (favorite, save, and open link) has its own click event.

I don't know if we can use an attribute something like this @click.prevent.stop to block the default behavior of this HTMLLinkElement.

Anyway, thanks for letting me know.

Wow, that was fast

The reason why I'm not having this issues is because my browser is Brave, preventing this from happening and blocking one of them. That's why I didn't get the same thing that other people should see in other browsers like Chrome or Firefox.


Nice catch! Thank you @azizramdan

Close Merged - PR #257