
Enhance disparities functionality

mmontesanonyc opened this issue · 6 comments

Disparities functionality:

  • if Disparities flag is on in indicators.json, show a "Show disparities" button on the Links view
  • When user clicks button, active state is added, and data are sent to the disparities spec
  • If user selects a different indicator from the Links dropdown list, the Disparities button loses the active class, and the Links functions as usual.


  • should the function modify the existing spec? Or just draw a revised spec?
  • should we remove Poverty from the Links drop-down?
  • We may want to add other disparities options (eg, by ICE score). What can we do to plan for a future where the disparities button might be a disparities drop-down?

Gist for disparities spec is here and prototyped here.


Note: recommendations to not include color-by-borough to focus the visualization on the disparity.

@cgettings, one thing that would be nice to do here is to get the Links and Disparities view to have title font styles that match the map and trend chart. I like the hierarchical nature of the map and trend ones, with the indicator name above the measurement name (displayType?) - mind tweaking styles in those specs?



And, an idea for the interaction. Possible to combine the Show Links and Link to menus? This could be expanded if/when we add more Disparities Options, too. I think that would be a little tidier.


@mmontesanonyc I like it

ETA: Though I'm a little worried it'll be confusing in the context of the dropdowns in the other tabs



  • Push existing disparities functionality to prod (worth an announcement to email list)
  • Add ICE indicator
  • Longer term: revise disparities functionality to offer ICE as an option

Leaving interaction as-is now but leaving door open for more ideas on interaction pattern - plus, good candidate for usability testing.

CC @etorem