
incorrect rankReverse entries in indicators.json

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Noticing the following indicators that have rankReverse wrong (is 0, should be 1):

  • owner-occupied homes
  • renter-occupied homes with no maintenance deficiencies
  • subway station density
  • recent walking
  • walking or biking for transportation
  • recent biking
  • race/ethnicity
  • foreign born
  • graduated high school
  • limited english
  • adults with air conditioners
  • homes with grab bars in the bathroom (among older adult households)
  • adults with a personal doctor
  • self-reported health
  • regular exterminator service

Will continue review and add to this.

Updated! Took a census of everything, and that's what needs to be updated. We shouldn't go live with this color change until these updates are in place, since we're implying a good/bad thing, and we've got population/demographic indicators needing to be corrected.

Ok, so rankReverse actually comes from the report_content table in the database, which means that any indicators not in a neighborhood report get a rankReverse of 0 by default. We might need to add a column to one of the tables.

Thanks for looking into it! That's interesting. I had assumed that the db's rankReverse was controlling some oldportal map function, too, since there are different color schemes and directionality in there (i thought). But I guess it was just controlling tertile -> 'better/middle/worse' display.

Indicator tool:


Beautiful, thank you.

Heya, checking in on this - some stuff on development still showing red where it should be green - are the updated rankReverse metadata on production? Or just staging so far? I want to flag that when we push the data explorer enhancements that are bundled with measure to measure, rankReverse needs to be correct so we don't have a variety of social indicators with 'warning' color schemes.

Heya, checking in on this - some stuff on development still showing red where it should be green - are the updated rankReverse metadata on production? Or just staging so far? I want to flag that when we push the data explorer enhancements that are bundled with measure to measure, rankReverse needs to be correct so we don't have a variety of social indicators with 'warning' color schemes.

false alarm! things look fine serving up data_staging. Just an environment issue.