Potential issue in Cho data
Closed this issue · 1 comments
Sembiance commented
A user reported this to me via e-mail. I have NOT had a chance to investigate it yet to see if it's a valid issue or not:
It seems that there is an issue with Cho's values specifically. It didnt happen in the old files but in this new release I get a parsing error when JSON.parse reached Cho's first ability. After deleting Cho from the json file everything seemed to work just fine.
jnovack commented
"this new release" meaning 40431?
Looks good to me...
$ cat heroes.json | jq '.[]|select(.id == "Cho") | .abilities.Cho[0]'
"id": "ChoSurgingFistCast",
"icon": "storm_ui_icon_Cho_MoltenSurge_A.dds",
"name": "Surging Fist",
"description": "Wind up for at least 1 second temporarily slowing yourself, then reactivate to charge in a direction. Enemies in your path are knocked aside and take 46 (+0.04 per level) damage.",
"cooldown": 13,
"shortcut": "Q"