
Displays Dependabot security alerts for multiple GitHub repositories.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Dependabot Vulnerability Viewer

Displays Dependabot vulnerability alerts of multiple repositories on a single page. Only vulnerabilities of repositories that your personal access token has access to will be displayed (restriction of GitHub's GraphQL API).


Hosted at dependabot-vuln-viewer.vercel.app.

Disclaimer: Your personal access token is, in theory, never sent to the server (the GraphQL API request is made by the browser). However, due to the magic behind Next.js and Apollo Client, I cannot guarantee it. Feel free to clone the repo and run it in local. Let me know if you know more than I do on this subject.

demo screenshot

Query String

Can be any valid advanced search query string:

  • user:<a GitHub user>,
  • repo:<repo owner>/<repo name>,
  • etc.,
  • any combination of the above.

Personal Access Token

See here to create a personal access token for the GitHub API. Only the repo scope is needed, or public_repo if you don't care about private repositories.

Install & Run

git clone https://github.com/nyg/dependabot-vuln-viewer.git
cd dependabot-vuln-viewer
npm install
npm run dev # localhost:3000


  • Store settings in localStorage
  • Add OAuth login, GitHub Enterprise