
Incorrect typing for `Event.originalStartTime`

mheavenor opened this issue · 2 comments

Describe the bug

The typing of the originalStartTime property on the Event model is typed as a number. The value, however, is an instance of a Date object.

To Reproduce

const idOfRecurringEvent = "some_id"
const event = await nylas.events.find(idOfRecurringEvent);
console.log(event.originalStartTime instanceof Date) // true even though event.originalStartTime is supposedly a 'number'

Expected behavior
The typing for originalStartTime should be Date as that is what the value is

SDK Version:
The codebase seems to still type originalStartTime as a number as specified here: https://github.com/nylas/nylas-nodejs/blob/main/src/models/event.ts#L77

Thanks for opening this issue @mheavenor, we're taking a look and will post an update once we have one.

@mheavenor thanks for your patience! You're correct as it's a typing mismatch, however because replacing number with Date entirely would result in a breaking change, for now we're going to set the type as a union of those two types and will be released in the next update. Once v7.0 drops (in the works) we will ensure that this attribute will be corrected to just Date. Sorry for the inconvenience, and thanks for bringing this to our attention!

Edit: After further testing, it always deserializes to Date and never to number so it's inherently broken, the change now will remove number as the type and replace it with Date