
Labels working but generating an error message

atejada opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug
We can use labels on messages to move them to another folder or even the trash. Right now, the correct label will be applied but the SDK will return an error.

To Reproduce
Some steps involved to reproduce the bug and any code samples you can share.

I have omitted the Try - Except to fully return the error message.

messageId = "<MESSAGE_ID>"
labelsDict = {}
labels = nylas.labels.all()
for label in labels:
	labelsDict[label["name"]] = label["id"] 

message = nylas.messages.get(messageId)
print(f"Your message was successfully deleted")

The error message is

nylas.client.errors.NylasApiError: 400 Bad Request. Reason: Invalid 'label_id': {u'display_name': u'TRASH', u'id': u'c1vwdjcvfh0m4w8es2ovp6qq8', u'name': u'trash'}. Nylas Error Type: invalid_request_error

Expected behavior
There shouldn't be an error message. We can do the same in Ruby without further issues

messageId = "<MESSAGE_ID>"

labelsDict = Hash.new
labels = nylas.labels
labels.each{ |label|
	labelsDict[label.name] = label.id

	message = nylas.messages.find(messageId)
	message.update(label_ids: [labelsDict["trash"]])
	puts "Your message was succesfully deleted"
rescue => error
	puts error.message

SDK Version:
Python 3.10.4
Nylas SDK 5.14.0

Additional context
While the error can be bypassed by using pass, there shouldn't be an error at all.