
module 'packages' not found: Compiler error

glyh opened this issue · 5 comments

glyh commented

Here's the config I tried in packages.fnl:

(use-package! :shaunsingh/nord.nvim {:config (fn [] (. (require :nord) set))})

{:config (fn [] (. (require :nord) set))}

Sorry, but why are you calling for config function for the packer command? If you want to set colorscheme then there's a macro
(colorscheme your_colorscheme)
Put it in your fnl/config.fnl, but if you're trying to set theme for lualine, (taken from the theme's site)

require('lualine').setup {
  options = {
    -- ... your lualine config
    theme = 'nord'
    -- ... your lualine config


((. (require :lualine) :setup) {:options { :theme :nord})

Although its recommend to use (colorscheme nord) in config.fnl, this is also a totally fine way of configuring it

In this case, it seems like you're not passing set as a string. The correct config should be

(use-package! :shaunsingh/nord.nvim {:config (fn [] (. (require :nord) :set))})

Although its recommend to use (colorscheme nord) in config.fnl, this is also a totally fine way of configuring it.

Sorry, I'm still new to all of this. Also @shaunsingh , are the duplicate buttons/keymaps :Telescope oldfiles<CR> and :Telescope keymaps<CR> on the dashboard intentional or am I missing something about the new changes?

@N0TiNSiGHT There were quite a few work in progress things I accidentally pushed that I didn't mean to, one of those changes was the dashboard

All of the keymaps on the dashboard are temporary until I finish implementing that functionality (agenda, sessions, projects, documentation, marks)

glyh commented

Yeah it turns out using colorscheme macros work better with this distribution, o.w. it causes wierd colors. I'll close it.