
Get a time estimate while waiting for your video

veltman opened this issue · 3 comments

Current status updates tell you what stage the rendering is at and % progress, but it would be nice to get a full waiting time estimate, especially if you're in a queue with jobs in front of you. This would entail some formula for estimated completion time, which would require knowing the duration before a job has started, so we'd probably have to send a duration estimate from the browser. Then we could multiply the duration and framerate by some conservative per-frame estimate.

ffmpeg has a -progress URL option, where progress info is HTTP POST-ed (chunked), that could feed into express and relayed further to the user

The FFmpeg processing time is only a small fraction of the total time, the main issue is drawing the frames. The steps to an estimate would basically be:

  1. Include a selectedDuration value in each job when it's submitted.
  2. Keep a moving average of how long each step takes per second of length.
  3. Use those per-second benchmarks to estimate how long each step a job of X seconds will take.
  4. To compute the ETA of a job, add up the estimated time of the remaining steps for in-progress jobs (if queued), plus the estimated time of the remaining steps for the job itself.

Steps 2 and 3 could be skipped in favor of a rough estimate based on system stats detected by os.cpus() and os.totalmem().

Yup, I'm digging into FFmpeg progress for other projects, the HTTP chunked POST it can make is messy to listen to, looking now at https://github.com/eugeneware/ffmpeg-progress-stream