
Configuring for AWS/Elastic Beanstalk

gsalkin opened this issue · 1 comments

Elastic Beanstalk instances are configured using Amazon's Linux AMI, which has almost none of the dependencies that node-canvas needs. I was able to find the instructions for configuring all of them here.

  • Note that this requires root access to the elastic beanstalk by installing the aws_cli, using sudo su to gain root and then running through all the installations and compilers.

Would definitely be good to work on the docs to add this info seeing as how EB is a kinda popular PaaS for node apps. (Has anyone had better success with Heroku?)

Next issue after that is properly setting up the ports so Nginx doesn't send back a 502. Anyone have info on how to change the default ports on this implementation of express so that it connects on the default port?

Added a note about Amazon Linux to the installation instructions.

Re: the port, you can configure it with an extra argument (npm start -- my_special_port_number) or you can manually edit bin/server, where the express app starts.