
Pairing Issue

Opened this issue · 3 comments

The instructions for pairing devices are not clear. Attempting to visit ip addresses on my phone either says the server is not responding or it does not recognize the ip address.

Same here. Probably super obvious, just the instructions are weird.

The instructions are indeed weird, and it took me a while to figure it out. I'm not too sure at what point you got stuck, and the necessary steps defer from Windows, to Mac or Linux. Here are roughly the steps that seemed to work everywhere:

  • Clone the repo
  • With elevated permissions (run as admin or sudo):
    • Enter the SideJITServer directory (the one within the repo, not the repo itself)
    • For the following, either use python/python3 and pip/pip3, whatever you have:
    • python -m venv venv
    • pip install SideJITServer

At this point you've set it up, and you should be able to start using it. The original instructions are fine, but still a little confusing.

  • Make sure your device is connected via USB, awake and unlocked
  • SideJITServer --pair, accept the prompt with y
  • Install the author's shortcut on your iPhone here, you'll need to run it to enable JIT on your apps. Here's a shortlink if you need to type it manually: https://bit.ly/jitshortcut
  • It'll prompt you for details upon setup, your device's UDID, and the server address:
    • The UDID can be obtained by heading to the address given when the server starts. This will be your computer's local IP, with the port 8080, unless you configured it to be something else like in my case. When heading to that URL, you'll be presented with something along the lines of {"usbmux-00000000-00000000000000000-USB": "00000000-00000000000000000"}. Whatever is in that second string is your devices UDID.
    • The server address you need to supply it with next is that same URL

⚠️ If SideJITServer --pair doesn't work, you may have something else running on port 8080. In my case on Windows, IIS was running. You can start the server on another port by using SideJITServer --port xxxx.

That should be all. At that point, just run the shortcut, and select the sideloaded app you want to enable JIT for. If it can't connect to the server, you may have to mess with your computer's firewall. This was successful for me on Windows 11 and MacOS Catalina, with iOS 17.6.1 on my phone.

Ok managed to get that to work, but now it is saying that it cannot find the device.
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