Backbone data binding, model binding plugin. The real logic-less templates.
- 0
Sorting select options
#315 opened by Oldenborg - 1
- 4
Loss of context in onGet() function
#321 opened by noobiek - 2
- 1
Maintainer Needed
#319 opened by delambo - 3
Is this project still alive?
#318 opened by cancerberoSgx - 2
- 0
- 0
bblatest branch / listenTo refactor question
#316 opened by bazineta - 4
Custom toJSON method causes problems binding a Backbone collection in selectOptions
#279 opened by will-r - 1
Dependent select
#314 opened by iGanzai - 0
The bindings crashed in IE11 and Edge checkbox
#313 opened by prinq - 0
IE7 input change events
#312 opened by alexrudall - 2
Make compatible with Lodash v4
#306 opened by marfire - 3
Make 'updateModel' supporting Promise?
#304 opened - 0
- 4
Confusing `updateModel` name
#302 opened by StevenLangbroek - 3
bind the model with backbone variable
#301 opened by kdbusiness90 - 2
- 1
events: ["keyup"] in ie8
#299 opened by zhaozailin - 5
[Suggestion] "name=" selector
#293 opened by jeffijoe - 3
Support falsy values in classes binding
#292 opened by bmuenzenmeyer - 3
Change Event Fires Twice for Number Input Type
#294 opened by bushizhang - 1
- 1
download v0.9.2 404 error
#290 opened by jeremydiviney - 2
Escape selectOptions' labelPath and valuePath results
#287 opened by mcordes - 5
Update Bower underscore dependency to 1.8.3
#284 opened by rafde - 1
Frequent undefined optList error
#283 opened by nikmartin - 3
The documentation link in the readme says "0.9.0" but links to documentation for 0.8.0.
#282 opened by kgodey - 4
Nested object support
#281 opened by pjanuario - 12
- 1
[documentation] stickit side-effect clears model change tracking, see backbone.trackit
#278 opened by mc2 - 4
Bower Code does not match master branch.
#276 opened by rafde - 0
visibility of attribute on other attribute change
#274 opened by RusAlex - 1
Does StickIt allow binding to attributes ?
#273 opened by AaronNGray - 22
Buggy work with Undercore's debounce
#248 opened by ogonkov - 3
- 3
- 6
- 3
When used in nested views, outer views should not receive change-events that stickit has handled
#246 opened by rjharmon - 3
Website is down?
#266 opened by rstormsf - 2
Documentation page truncated
#263 opened by sirianni - 1
Detection of Node.js/CommonJS could be tighter
#262 opened by bgannonPL - 2
- 3
selected option breaks when using nested attributes (with Backbone.DeepModel)
#260 opened by Zensavona - 10
Binding select box to numeric value
#249 opened by webberig - 1
- 1
updateMethod to handle Markdown?
#253 opened by chandlervdw - 5
- 0
Set Selected state on Select
#247 opened by sjorsjes