Doesn't seem to support GPUs assigned through python script
olibd opened this issue · 1 comments
With a headless blender it is normally possible to use a python script to assign specific devices before rendering, but for some weird reasons, all the version (2.83, 2.90, 2.91) containerized with this repo that I tried seems to ignore the instructions given by the file. For example, if I use the following command
docker run --gpus all --ipc=host -v /mnt/vol_b/blender_input:/volume/blender_input -v /mnt/vol_b/blender_output:/volume/output nytimes/blender:2.90-gpu-ubuntu18.04 blender -b /volume/blender_input/water_sim.blend -E CYCLES -P /volume/blender_input/ -a
The expected behavior is that a render will be started with the script (shown below) activating only the CUDA graphics card.
import re
import bpy
import time
from datetime import datetime
scene = bpy.context.scene
scene.cycles.device = 'GPU'
print("~~~~~> scene device: {}".format(scene.cycles.device))
prefs = bpy.context.preferences
cprefs = prefs.addons['cycles'].preferences
cuda, opencl = cprefs.get_devices()
print("~~~~~> cprefs: {}".format(cprefs))
print("~~~~~> cuda devices: {}".format(cuda))
for compute_device_type in ('CUDA'):
cprefs.compute_device_type = compute_device_type
print('~~~~~> compute device found type set', compute_device_type)
except TypeError:
for device in cuda:
print('~~~~~> Activating', device)
device.use = (device.type != 'CPU')
print("~~~~~> device {} usage status: {}".format(device, device.use))
for device in opencl:
print('~~~~~> Deactivating', device)
device.use = (device.type != 'CPU')
print("~~~~~> device {} usage status: {}".format(device, device.use))
Unfortunalety, this doesn't work with the dockerized blender found in this repo. But it does locally on my machine.
Here’s all the things I verified and confirmed are:
- The cuda drivers are properly loaded in the docker container
- I tested with a different project (simple default cube project) and I get the same results
- I loaded and tried different versions of blender using the following containers nytimes/blender:2.83-gpu-ubuntu18.04, and nytimes/blender:2.91-gpu-ubuntu18.04 with the same problem
- Blender runs fine otherwise and renders properly on CPU
- The script print the modifications made before launching the animation render and the parameters are as expected
Any help would be appreciated.
For anyone stumbling on this post. There was a bug in the script which meant I was enumarating over the string 'CUDA' in the compute_device_type loop. The bug that was introduced when I removed the other elements in this tuple. I am now using the following cleaned script:
import bpy
scene = bpy.context.scene
scene.cycles.device = 'GPU'
print("~~~~~> scene device: {}".format(scene.cycles.device))
prefs = bpy.context.preferences
cprefs = prefs.addons['cycles'].preferences
cuda, opencl = cprefs.get_devices()
print("~~~~~> cprefs: {}".format(cprefs))
print("~~~~~> cuda devices: {}".format(cuda))
cprefs.compute_device_type = 'CUDA'
print('~~~~~> compute device type set to', cprefs.compute_device_type)
for device in opencl:
print('~~~~~> Deactivating', device)
device.use = False
print("~~~~~> device {} usage status: {}".format(device, device.use))
for device in cuda:
print('~~~~~> Activating', device)
device.use = (device.type != 'CPU')
print("~~~~~> device {} usage status: {}".format(device, device.use))