
Add menu bar to ui

nyxxxie opened this issue · 0 comments

The menubar is that little bit on the top of a window that contains [ File | Edit | Windows | ... ]. We should add one that contains the following.

  • File
    • New - creates new file in current project
    • Open - opens existing file and adds it to current project
    • vertical line
    • Save - Saves currently focused file
    • Save As... - Saves currently focused file as
    • Save All - Save all opened files
    • vertical line
    • Quit - Exits program
  • Edit
    • Undo - Undoes last change
    • Redo - Redoes last change
    • vertical line
    • Cut - Redoes last change
    • Copy - Redoes last change
    • Paste - Redoes last change
  • Windows
    • Somewhere in here should be a submenu that is populated dynamically somehow by all dockwindows currently added to mainwindow. Clicking on a window should hide it

Implementation for specific menu actions is optional, the implementer can just use actions with empty bodies if they wish