
Unsubscribe method not working

Closed this issue · 3 comments

When I try this

if ($mc->check($listId, $customer->email)) {
    $mc->unsubscribe($listId, $customer->email);

I got this error

'type' => '',
  'title' => 'Member Exists',
  'status' => 400,
  'detail' => ' is already a list member. Use PUT to insert or update list members.',
  'instance' => '0e6eaa47-cb6f-47d8-9530-8c69740de3d2',

The have status = 'subscribed' and I think I can call unsubscribe method to unsubscribe this member, is this correct?

Can you help me?

nztim commented

Please give this a try:

if ($mc->check($listId, strtolower($customer->email))) {
    $mc->unsubscribe($listId, strtolower($customer->email));

@nztim this worked like a charm!

Thank you!

nztim commented

Great :)
It's because the unsubscribe method didn't take care of lowercasing the email address before hashing it.
If you update to the latest version (v3.8) your original code should work.