
Computer Science Data Structures and Algorithms in JavaScript ( Node.JS, ES ) in simple, clean, reusable code

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

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Computer Science Data Structured and Algorithms in JavaScript ( Node.JS, ES ) in simple, clean, reusable code.

Contains Heap, Trie, SkipList, QuickSelect, various sorts and more.

cs101 on NPM.


  • LinkedHashMap - good for LRU (get it? back-to-front URL?) caches, etc


Click links below to go straight to the code ✨ for each structure or algorithm;

Or jump straight to the API documentation.

List Structures

  • Singly-linked list - O(1) (access first) O(n) (insert, delete, update, find), O(n) space list
  • Doubly-linked list - O(1) (reversal, access first or last) O(n) (insert, delete, update, find), O(n) space, traversable in forward or reverse list
  • Self-organizing list O(weird) access-adapting (move to front or advance) list for faster access, good for cache and easy Least-Recently-Used eviction (pop off end)

Tree Structures

  • n-ary Tree - any-arity tree structure, good as a basis for other tree structures and algorithms utilizing trees
  • Heap - O(1) (find top) O(log n) (insert, delete, update), O(n) (heapify), O(n) space partially ordered stack of things, good for leaderboard
  • Priority queue - O(1) (find top) O(log n) (insert, delete, update), O(n) (heapify), O(n) space stack of thing, priority pairs partially ordered by their priorities, good for job scheduling
  • Trie - O(k) (insert, delete, update) O(n) trie-ify O(n) space tree of a list of sequences (commonly strings), good for full-text search

Hybrid Tree/List Structures

  • Skiplist - O(log n) (insert, delete, update, find (by key), find (by index)), O(n log n) skiplistify, O(n) to O(n log n) space sorted randomized list, with hybrid list/tree express lanes for fast access, very cool and efficient rare O(n) worst case performance for insert, delete, update, find by key and find by index from bad random express-lane stops, good for associative maps and anything really

Seeking Algorithms

  • BinarySearch - O(log n) Find an item and its index in a sorted array, good for looking up books by title from an ordered list, or finding the slot to insert a new book
  • QuickSelect - O(N) Find the nth-orderd item in an unordered array, good for "who came 1st (or k-th)" questions

Sorting Algorithms

  • InsertionSort - O(n**2) (no binary search), O(n log n) (with binary search), O(n) (already sorted)
  • SelectionSort - O(n**2) (no binary search), O(n**2) (already sorted) normally slower than insertion because it has to search all of unsorted tail each time, while insertion only has to search until it finds the insertion slot in the sorted head, which is often not the entire length of the sorted head.
  • MergeSort - O(n log n) (every case) O(n) space stable sort, divide and conquer, merging
  • QuickSort - O(n**2) (worst case of bad pivots) O(n log n) O(1) space non-stable in-place sort, divide and conquer, partitioning on pivot, bad pivots can lead to quadratic performance.

Getting and testing

Get for use:

$ npm i --save cs101

Get to run tests and modify:

  1. Fork and repo, clone your copy
  2. Change to directory, and install dependencies:
$ cd cs.js
$ npm i 
  1. Run tests in Node
$ npm test
  1. Run tests in browser:
$ npm run browser-test 

Then open that machine's port 8080 in a browser and view the developer console to see test output.


$ npm run lint

Push test output to a file:

$ npm run save-test

Test output will be in file testout.txt

API Documentation


Singly-linked list

Note: there is no cycle checking, and it's possible to create cycles by adding nodes to head that are already present in the list.

Direct import:

import SingList from './src/lib/singlist.js';

Package import:

import * as CS from 'cs101';
const SingList = CS.SingList.Class


// empty singlist
const list = new SingList();

// filled singlist
const dataList = new SingList([1,2,3,4,5]);

Getting head:

const list = new SingList(['beginning', 'middle', 'end']);

const thing = list.head.thing;

console.assert(thing === 'beginning');

Inserting at head:

const list = new SingList(['x','y','z']);

list.head = new SingList.Node('w');

[...list]; // 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z'


const list = new SingList([1,2,3,4,5]);

const things = [...list];

console.assert(things.join(',') === '1,2,3,4,5'); // true


const list = new SingList([1,2,3,4,5]);


const reversedThings = [...list];
console.assert(reversedThings.join(',') === '5,4,3,2,1'); // true

Doubly-linked list

Note: there is no cycle checking, and it's possible to create cycles by adding nodes that are already present in the list.

Direct import:

import LinkedList from './src/lib/linkedlist.js';

Direct import including Node class:

import {Class as LinkedList, Node} from './src/lib/linkedlist.js';

Direct import including Node class alternative style:

import LinkedList from './src/lib/linkedlist.js';
const Node = LinkedList.Node;

Package import:

import * as CS from 'cs101';
const LinkedList = CS.LinkedList.Class


// empty linked list
const list = new LinkedList();

// filled linked list
const dataList = new LinkedList([1,2,3,4,5]);

Getting head:

const list = new LinkedList(['beginning', 'middle', 'end']);

const thing = list.head.thing;

console.assert(thing === 'beginning');

Removing head:

const headThing = list.shift();

Inserting at head (item only):

list.unshift('i am a thing');

Inserting at head (using a Node):

const list = new LinkedList(['x','y','z']);

list.head = new LinkedList.Node('w');

[...list]; // 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z'

Getting tail:

const list = new LinkedList(['beginning', 'middle', 'end']);

const thing = list.tail.thing;

console.assert(thing === 'end');

Removing tail:

const tailThing = list.pop();

Inserting at tail (item only):

list.push('i am a thing');

Inserting at tail (using a Node):

const list = new LinkedList(['x','y','z']);

list.tail = new LinkedList.Node('w');

[...list]; // 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z'


const list = new LinkedList([1,2,3,4,5]);

const things = [...list].map(node => node.thing);

console.assert(things.join(',') === '1,2,3,4,5'); // true

Deleting a node:

const list = new LinkedList([1,2,3,4,5]);

const node3 = [...list][2];


const nodes = [...list].map(node => node.thing); // 1, 2, 4, 5

Deleting a node alternate style:

const list = new LinkedList([1,2,3,4,5]);

const node3 = list.head.nextList(0).nextList(0);


const nodes = [...list].map(node => node.thing); // 1, 2, 4, 5

Move a node toward head:

const newTail = new LinkedList.Node('in the back');
list.tail = newTail;

console.assert([...list][list.length - 2] === newTail);


const list = new LinkedList([1,2,3,4,5]);

list.reverse(); // O(1) operation

const reversedThings = [...list].map(({thing}) => thing);
console.assert(reversedThings.join(',') === '5,4,3,2,1'); // true

Get length:

list.length; // 5

Self-organizing list

Importing directly:

import SOL from './src/sol.js';

Importing from package:

import * as CS from 'cs101';
const SOL = CS.SOL.Class;


  const sol = new SOL({
    asLinkedList: false,        /* underlying store is linked list, false is array */
    moveToFront: 0.8,           /* MTF reorganize scheme probability */
    swap: 0.2,                  /* swap reorganize scheme probability */
    dupesOK: false,             /* duplicate keys are not OK, true they are */

Setting a key, value pair:

sol.set('taco', {awesome:true});

Testing membership:

sol.has('taco'); // true

Getting a value from a key:

sol.get('taco'); // {index: 0, copy: {key: 'taco', value: {awesome:true}}} 

Deleting a key:

sol.delete('taco'); // :'(
sol.get('taco'); // {index: undefined, copy: undefined}


sol.set('taco', {trulyAwesome:[true, true]}); // XD
[...sol]; // [ {key: 'taco', value: {trulyAwesome: [true, true]}} ]

Get length:

sol.length; // 1

N-Ary Tree

Importing directly:

import Tree from './src/lib/tree.js';
// equivalent with Node
import {Tree, Node} from './src/lib/tree.js';

Importing from package:

import * as CS from 'cs101';
const Tree = CS.Tree.Class;
const Node = Tree.Node; // CS.Tree.Node equivalent


  const tree = new Tree({arity: 5}); // arity: 2 is binary tree

Creating Nodes:
const newRoot = new Node({thing: 'i am a node value'});

Getting / setting the root:

tree.getRoot(); // Node {thing: 'i am a Node value'}

Adding child nodes:

tree.getRoot().addChild(new Node({thing: 'i am under the first thing'}));
tree.getRoot().addChild(new Node({thing: 'me too. i am also under the first thing'}));
tree.getRoot().addChild(new Node({thing: 'me three. i too am under the first thing'}));

Getting / Deleting child nodes:

const meTooNode = tree.getRoot().children[1];
tree.getRoot().degree; // 2


// depth-first
for( const {node, depth} of tree.dfs() ) {
  console.log({node, depth});

// breath-first
for( const {node, depth} of tree.bfs() ) {
  console.log({node, depth});

Updating Node value:

import {Empty} from './src/lib/tree.js';
const meThreeNode = tree.getRoot().children[1];
meThreeNode.thing = Empty; // Empty is a special symbol value

Finding the first empty leaf:

const emptyLeaf = tree.firstEmptyLeaf(); 
console.assert(emptyLeaf === meThreeNode); // true


Importing directly:

import Heap from './src/heap.js';

Importing from package:

import * as CS from 'cs101';
const Heap = CS.Heap.Class;


const data = [0,10,8,7,2,1];
const heap = new Heap({
  asTree: false,          /* underlying implementation as tree, false is list implementation */
  max: true,              /* max heap, false is min heap */
  arity: 2,               /* binary, then 3 is ternary, etc. */
  compare: undefined      /* a custom comparator per JS Array.sort compareFunction interface */
    // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/sort#parameters 
    // with comparison directed by the heap property
    // so compare(bigger, smaller) is > 0 for max heap
    // while compare(smaller, bigger) is > 0 for min heap
    // and vice versa
    // in essence, it's 
    // compare(top, bottom) > 0 and compare(bottom, top) < 0
    // DEFAULT comparison is simply this applied to Numbers
}, data); // O(n) (uses Floyd's heapify)

Getting size:

heap.size; // 6

Getting top:

heap.peek(); // 10 O(1)

Replacing top:

heap.replace(22); // 10 O(log n)
heap.size; // 6

Removing top:

heap.pop(); // 22 O(log n)
heap.size; // 5
heap.peek(); // 8

Pushing something on:

heap.peek(); // 8
heap.peek(); // 9

Priority Queue

Importing directly:

import PQ from './src/pq.js';

Importing from package:

import * as CS from 'cs101';
const PQ = CS.PQ.Class;


// data should have priority
const data = [
    priority: 8,
    stuff: 'ooo',
    moreStuff: {ok: true}
    priority: 2,
    hello: 1
    priority: 9,
    text: 'yes'

// default options shown below
const pq = new PQ({
  max: true,
  compare: function (A, B) {
    const {priority:pA = Empty} = A;
    const {priority:pB = Empty} = B;

    if ( pB == Empty ) {
      return 1;
    } else if ( pA == Empty ) {
      return -1;

    if ( pA > pB ) {
      return this.config.max ? 1 : -1;
    } else if ( pA == pB ) {
      return 0;
    } else {
      return !this.config.max ? 1 : -1;
}, data); // O(n) (uses Floyd's heapify)

Get size:

pq.size;  // 3

Get top priority:

pq.top(); // {priority: 9, text: 'yes'}

Remove top priority:

pq.pull(); // {priority: 9, text: 'yes'}
pq.top(); // {priority: 8, stuff: 'ooo', moreStuff: {ok: true}}
pq.size; // 2


Importing directly:

import Trie from './src/trie.js';

Importing from package:

import * as CS from 'cs101';
const Trie = CS.Trie.Class;

Creating (strings only, Map or object):

const data1 = ['abc', 'def'];
const trie1 = new Trie({
  asTree: false,          /* underlying implementation as tree, false is list implementation */
  max: true,              /* max heap, false is min heap */
  arity: 2,               /* binary, then 3 is ternary, etc. */
  compare: undefined      /* a custom comparator per JS Array.sort compareFunction interface */
    // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/sort#parameters 
    // with comparison directed by the heap property
    // so compare(bigger, smaller) is > 0 for max heap
    // while compare(smaller, bigger) is > 0 for min heap
    // and vice versa
    // in essence, it's 
    // compare(top, bottom) > 0 and compare(bottom, top) < 0
    // DEFAULT comparison is simply this applied to Numbers
}, data); // O(n) (uses Floyd's heapify)

const data2 = new Map([
  ['abc', {movie: 'ok'}],
  ['def', {time: 'yes'}]
const trie2 = new Trie(null, data2);

const data3 = {
  abc: {movie: 'ok'},
  def: {time: 'yes'},
const trie3 = new Trie(null, data3);

Getting size:

trie1.size; // 2
trie2.size; // 2
trie3.size; // 2


trie1.has('ab'); // no
trie1.has('abc'); // yes
trie1.has('xyz'); // no

Setting / updating:

trie1.set('xyz', {everybody: 'else'});
trie1.set('zzz', {accounting: true});
trie1.size; // 3


trie1.get('zzz'); // {found: true, value: {accounting: true}}
trie1.get('---'); // {found: false, value: undefined}


trie1.size; // 2

Iterating (keys, values, entries):

  [...trie1.keys()]; // 'abc', 'zzz', 
  [...trie1.values()]; // true, {accounting: true}
  [...trie1.entries()]; // ['abc', true], ['zzz', {accounting:true}


Importing directly:

import SkipList from './src/skiplist.js';

Importing from package:

import * as CS from 'cs101';
const SkipList = CS.SkipList.Class;


const data = [1,2,3,4,5]; // data can also be empty or undefined is OK

// default options shown below
const skiplist = new SkipList({
  max: false,               /* increasing order, true gives decreasing order */
  p: 1/2,                   /* probability node lifts to higher levels */
  randomized: true,         /* if we base lifting on randomizedation   */
    // false uses a determ  inistic lifting scheme
  duplicatesOkay: false,    /* only insert each thing once, true allows dupes */
  compare: undefined,       /* custom comparator function */
}, data); // O(n log(1/p) n)

Get size:

skiplist.size;  // 3

Set thing:

skiplist.insert(84, '1984'); //
skiplist.set(84, '1984'); // alias of insert
skiplist.size; // 6 (would be 7 if dupesOK: true)

Get thing:

skiplist.get(84); // {has: true, value: '1984', index: 5}

Get thing by index:

skiplist.getSlot(5); // {has: true, thing: 84, value: '1984'}
skiplist.getSlot(0); // {has: true, thing: 1, value: true}

Delete thing:

skiplist.delete(2); // true
skiplist.delete('foo'); // false
skiplist.size; // 5
skiplist.getSlot(5); // {has: false, thing: undefined, value: undefined}
skiplist.getSlot(4); // {has: true, thing: 84, value: '1984'}


skiplist.has(84); // true;
skiplist.has('bar'); // false;

Iteration (keys, values, entries):

[...skiplist.keys()]; // 1, 3, 4, 5, 84
[...skiplist.values()]; // true, true, true, true, '1984'
[...skiplist.entries()]; // [1, true], [3, true], [4, true], [5, true], [84, '1984']

Binary search

Import direct:

import BinarySearch from './src/binarysearch.js';
// equivalent
import {find} from './src/binarysearch.js';
// lower-level alternatives
import {iterativeBinarySearch} from './src/binarysearch.js';
import {recursiveBinarySearch} from './src/binarysearch.js';

Import from package:

import * as CS from 'cs101';
const BinarySearch = CS.BinarySearch.find;

Finding an item:

const list = ['92', 'abc', 'delta', 'twenty1'];
const {has, index} = BinarySearch(list, 'abc'); // {has: true, index: 1}

Finding where to insert an item:

// index gives where to insert before (so insert at 3, moves existing list[3] to list[4])
const {has, index} = BinarySearch(list, 'really'); // {has: false, index: 3}
list.splice(index, 0, 'really');

Using more options:

const list = [{a:1,b:'hi'}, {a:2,b:'9'}, {a:4,b:'12321'}];
const {has, index} = BinarySearch(list, {a:2}, {
  compare: ({a:a1}, {a:a2}) => Math.sign(a1-a2),
  recursive: true               /* false is iterative, the default */
}); // {has: true, index: 1}

Using iterative and recursive directly:

import {iterativeBinarySearch} from './src/binarysearch.js';
import {recursiveBinarySearch} from './src/binarysearch.js';

const list = [1,2,3,4,5,8, 7,4,3,2,1];
// args are -> (data, item, low, high, opts)
iterativeBinarySearch(list, 4, 0, 6, {compare:(a,b) => Math.sign(a-b)}); // {has: true, index: 3}
recursiveBinarySearch(list, 4, 0, 6, {compare:(a,b) => Math.sign(a-b)}); // {has: true, index: 3}

Quick select

Import direct:

import QuickSelect from './src/selectquick.js';
// equivalent
import {findKth} from './src/selectquick.js';

Import from package:

  import * as CS from 'cs101';
  const QuickSelect = CS.QuickSelect.findKth;

Finding an the kth item in an unordered list:

const list = ['delta', '92', 'twenty1', 'abc'];
const kth = QuickSelect(list, 1); // 'abc' is the 1st item, O(n)

Using more options:

const list = [{a:1,b:'hi'}, {a:4,b:'12321'}, {a:2,b:'9'}];
const kth = QuickSelect(list, 3, {
  pivot: undefined,             /* use simple random pivot, */
      /* 'mom' uses median of medians but currently requires list be numbers */
  compare: ({a:a1}, {a:a2}) => Math.sign(a1-a2), 
        /* undefined uses DEFAULT_COMPARE, or you can use a custom comparison */
  recursive: true,              /* false is iterative, the default */
  invert: false,                /* invert order */
}); // {a:4, b:'12321'} is the 3rd item

Insertion sort

Import direct:

import InsertionSort from './src/insertionsort.js';
// equivalent
import {sort} from './src/insertionsort.js';

Import from package:

import * as CS from 'cs101';
const InsertionSort = CS.InsertionSort.sort;

Sorting a list

const list = [5,9,2,4,1,3,0,8];
const sorted = InsertionSort(list); // [0,1,2,3,4,5,8,9]

Using more options:

const list = [{a:4,b:'12321'}, {a:1,b:'hi'}, {a:2,b:'9'}];
const sorted = InsertionSort(list, {
  invert: false,      /* inverts the order */
  compare: ({a:a1}, {a:a2}) => Math.sign(a1-a2), 
        /* undefined uses DEFAULT_COMPARE, but can be a custom comparison */
  inplace: true,      /* sort is in place, 
                      /* false is create a new array without changing original */
  nobs: false,        /* false gives an O(N log N) sort */
                      /* true will not use binary search (just linear search) to */
                      /* find insert index in sorted part of list, reduces to O(N**2) */
  nosplice: false,    /* don't use array splice operations on inplace array instead use swaps */
}); // [{a:1,b:'hi'}, {a:2,b:'9'}, {a:4,b:'12321'}]

Selection sort

Import direct:

import SelectionSort from './src/ssort.js';
// equivalent
import {sort} from './src/ssort.js';

Import from package:

import * as CS from 'cs101';
const SelectionSort = CS.SelectionSort.sort;

Sorting a list

const list = [5,9,2,4,1,3,0,8];
const sorted = SelectionSort(list); // [0,1,2,3,4,5,8,9]

Using more options:

const list = [{a:4,b:'12321'}, {a:1,b:'hi'}, {a:2,b:'9'}];
const sorted = SelectionSort(list, {
  invert: false,      /* inverts the order */
  compare: ({a:a1}, {a:a2}) => Math.sign(a1-a2), 
        /* undefined uses DEFAULT_COMPARE, but can be a custom comparison */
  inplace: true,     /* sort is in place, 
                      /* false is create a new array without changing original */
  nosplice: false,    /* don't use array splice operations on inplace array instead use swaps */
}); // [{a:1,b:'hi'}, {a:2,b:'9'}, {a:4,b:'12321'}]

Merge sort

Import direct:

import MergeSort from './src/mergesort.js';
// equivalent
import {sort} from './src/mergesort.js';

Import from package:

import * as CS from 'cs101';
const MergeSort = CS.MergeSort.sort;

Sorting a list

const list = [5,9,2,4,1,3,0,8];
const sorted = MergeSort(list); // [0,1,2,3,4,5,8,9]

Using more options:

const list = [{a:4,b:'12321'}, {a:1,b:'hi'}, {a:2,b:'9'}];
const sorted = MergeSort(list, {
  invert: false,      /* inverts the order */
  compare: ({a:a1}, {a:a2}) => Math.sign(a1-a2), 
        /* undefined uses DEFAULT_COMPARE, but can be a custom comparison */
}); // [{a:1,b:'hi'}, {a:2,b:'9'}, {a:4,b:'12321'}]

Quick sort

Import direct:

import QuickSort from './src/quicksort.js';
// equivalent
import {sort} from './src/quicksort.js';

Import from package:

import * as CS from 'cs101';
const QuickSort = CS.QuickSort.sort;

Sorting a list

const list = [5,9,2,4,1,3,0,8];
const sorted = QuickSort(list); // [0,1,2,3,4,5,8,9]

Using more options:

const list = [5,9,2,4,1,3,0,8];
const sorted = QuickSort(list, {
  invert: false,            /* invert order */
  pivot: undefined          /* standard random pivot. 'mom' uses median of medians algorithm */
                            /* but throws if list[0] is not a number */
                            /* 'mom' currently does not work with list items that are not numbers */
}); // [0,1,2,3,4,5,8,9]
