
Proposed SIG-Network meeting agenda for APRIL-18-2023

lmbr-pip opened this issue · 1 comments

Meeting Details

The SIG-Network Meetings repo contains the history past calls, including a link to the agenda, recording, notes, and resources.

SIG Updates

What happened since the last meeting?

Meeting Agenda

  • [Office Hours] - Do any community members need help with anything? (5min slots) Grab a slot in issue comments, and SIG admins will add here

    • <slot 1 - add question/topic>
    • <slot 2 - add question/topic>
  • Review state of new MultiplayerSample game

    • Review all pending feature requests for MPS to see if they have value as contributions.
    • Feature matrix update: o3de/o3de#15639
  • Review release notes, plans etc around O3DE 2305 release: o3de/sig-release#173

  • Cover updates from SIG contributors

  • Review roadmap for future planned work / contributions from others

  • Plans to hold onboarding sessions for MPS: https://discord.com/channels/805939474655346758/816043672709103667/1096496623888117790 (from JT in Discord). Interested if SIG will run live onboarding sessions

Outcomes from Discussion topics

Discuss outcomes from agenda

Action Items

Create actionable items from proposed topics

Open Discussion Items

List any additional items below!

Notes in #103