Player nameplate shows Blizzard power bar and special resources
Adirelle opened this issue · 11 comments
Describe the bug
Blizzard power bar and resource widget are displayed along the custom nameplate for the player.
How to reproduce
- Create and use a nameplate style for oUF that does not display power bar nor special resources.
- Check "personal resource display" in Blizzard interface settings (Names tab).
- Select a target, or enter in combat so the player nameplate is shown.
What did you expect?
A customized nameplate without power bar nor special resource.
Error report
Please note that enabling "Show special resource on target" move the special resource on the target nameplate.
This might be related to #525. However, I am neither messing with Blizzard code nor oUF one/.
In its current version, oUF does not hide Blizzard frames (ClassNameplate*) for the unit "player", see ClassNameplate files in
It's not a bug. We do so to avoid messing with forbidden nameplates in dungeons, they still use the same insecure class power widgets, at least they used to, there's some changes in either BfA or SL, but I haven't checked it yet 😅. It's also opens up an option of repurposing default class power widgets instead of creating your own. So if a user wants to disable Blizz widgets, they should do it themselves, something like this should do the trick.
if(NamePlateDriverFrame.classNamePlatePowerBar) then
hooksecurefunc(NamePlateDriverFrame, 'SetupClassNameplateBars', function(nameplate)
if(not nameplate or nameplate:IsForbidden()) then
if(nameplate.classNamePlateMechanicFrame) then
if(nameplate.classNamePlatePowerBar) then
I used to run something similar myself, not sure if it still works. I could possibly add it as an option to oUF:SpawnNamePlates
, something like disableBlizzPower
toggle, but idk. Please, tell me if it still works and doesn't break anything, and then I'll discuss it with the boys :D
I am using the same kind of workaround. I have got no tainting errors so far.
IMO the current behavior is a bit misleading. Some additional doc about SpawnNameplates could be sufficient. My apologies if they existed and I have overlooked them.
@Adirelle nah, nah, all good and I agree. I was the one wrote all that bs anyway, so it's on me. I'll talk to other guys about adding the option I mentioned.
It seems it still cause tainting.
Edit: nope. I have removed the code and something is still tainting the nameplates. So it might be something else I changed recently.
There is something funny.
My master branch causes tainting, but my last tag does not. Between the two, I mainly removed all shadowing of globals: Adirelle/oUF_Adirelle@9.0-1.1.0-beta-4...master
It is one of these by any chance?
1x ...eBlizzard_NamePlates\Blizzard_NamePlates.lua:470: Action[FrameMeasurement] failed because[Can't measure restricted regions]: attempted from: <unnamed>:GetLeft().
You can get it even without a single nameplate addon, seems like a generic API taint.
Nope, something about calling SetTargetClampingInsets, line 305 of Blizzard_NamePlates/Blizzard_NamePlates.lua
Curiously, it goes away when I revert my changes and upvalue all the globals ; I have a script that automates it. I am wondering if another addon is somehow involved.
Oh, yeah, that's the other one T_T I don't remember what's causing it tho.
It is much more easier to just disable system player plate by cvar or game option, then create another player frame and make it looks like a player plate, which you don't need to worry about taint.