
Not Hiding Blizzard Default Party Windows

Aideenwolf opened this issue · 4 comments

Describe the bug

config doesn't hide party windows anymore

How to reproduce
Add oUF:DisableBlizzard('party') to lua
join a party
Blizzard frames show - custom party/raid frames show

Doesn't matter if blizzard frames are set to "use Raid-Style Party frames" or not

What did you expect?
blizzard default party windows to be hidden

Error report
No error code in bug grabber - it kinda just ignores the code

oUF 11.0.0
Layout: Custom (not on WOWUI or Curse)

ls- commented

Ugh, weird... I'll look into it tomorrow >_>

p3lim commented

@Aideenwolf are you using the latest master from git? If not, which version are you using?

Also, do you have this option turned on from the Edit Mode?

@p3lim I don't believe so - using the latest you can download off curse (release). Going to be honest didn't think to pull the latest off here.

Edit: It is fixed with the latest master from Git.

That option is turned off currently.

ls- commented

We, well, at least I... usually assume that people who report stuff here use our master branch rather than anything from addon sites. Hence my initial reaction.
Anyway, what you're talking about has already been fixed in bbddb9d and 30a3b33.