
[4.5.4-1] Single interface with ovirtmgmt, iSCSI and vms (with VLANs) keep out-of-sync

dercol1 opened this issue · 0 comments

The problem (I think) is that I use a single network for every node that implement ovirtmgmt, VMs and iSCSI networks.

Obviously gave the ovirtmgmt network the address of the "access" VLAN (with addresses associated to the interfaces) the I started implement other VLAN without any problem.
When I added a VLAN to access a iSCSI external storage I needed to add address to that sub-interface. I successful added the configuration for that interface with the "host" network GUI to the three nodes but since then cluster became "Out-Of-Sync" while all seemed to work (Also I mapped and currently using the iSCSI storage)
The problem now is that I have to add a new VLAN and, obviously, the engine is complaining that the host network is out of sync when I try to add the new network to the host.
I need to add the new VLAN. Here it is one of the host current configuration:

the ovirtmgmt is the management interface while 169_254_30 is the iSCSI interface, other interfaces are used by VMs