
macos-arm64 does work ๐Ÿ˜€

Opened this issue ยท 3 comments

Thanks for this brilliant contribution.

I was delighted to be able to get it working from the leiningen template simply by bumping lwjgl to 3.3.1 and including the natives-macos-arm64 artifact classifier.

I did remove references to Paravim instead of recompiling the libvim dylib (for the time being). So lazy.

oakes commented

Thanks, I updated the template and the example projects with those changes.

No disrespect to Paravim, which is demented and awesome.

oakes commented

Haha no worries. At some point I will try to get it working on arm macos but so far I failed to get libvim to compile for it. Until then, i'm keeping it out of the template.