
Need check JSON::PP version

sopov opened this issue · 1 comments

sopov commented
$ perl -MJSON::PP\ 9 -e 1
JSON::PP version 9 required--this is only version 2.27203.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.

On build process, we have a frozen screen at the testing stage for test t/01-detect.t
test process stopped at line 29

     26 sub get_json {
     27     my $file = shift;
     28     my $json = path( $FindBin::Bin, $file )->slurp;
     29     return JSON::PP->new->ascii->decode($json);
     30 }

after update JSON::PP (2.97) all is OK.

Thanks for reporting this @sopov! A new release has just been uploaded to CPAN.