Sorting visualizer with c and raylib


we have a somewhat dynamic gui and adding a new sorting algo seems to be quite easy

gcc -Wall main.c algos.c debug.c platform_sleep.c -I"C:\Raylib\include" -L"C:\Raylib\lib" -o main -lraylib -lopengl32 -lgdi32 -lwinmm
  • gcc: This is the name of the compiler you are using, which is the GNU Compiler Collection.

  • -Wall: This is a compiler option that enables most of the commonly used warning messages. It's a good practice to use this to catch potential issues in your code.

  • main.c algos.c debug.c platform_sleep.c: These are the source files you're compiling.

  • -I"C:\Raylib\include": The -I option is used to specify directories where the compiler should look for header files. In this case, it's looking in the Raylib include directory.

  • -L"C:\Raylib\lib": The -L option is used to specify directories where the linker should look for library files. Here, it's looking in the Raylib lib directory.

  • -o main: The -o option is used to specify the name of the output file. In this case, the output executable will be named main.

  • -lraylib -lopengl32 -lgdi32 -lwinmm: These are libraries you're linking against. The -l option is used to specify a library.

    • -lraylib: Links against the Raylib library.
    • -lopengl32: Links against the OpenGL library (for 32-bit systems).
    • -lgdi32: Links against the Windows GDI library.
    • -lwinmm: Links against the Windows Multimedia library.

The above command compiles the source files, links them with the specified libraries, and produces an executable named main.