
ODF 1.3 Appendix G Appendix GChanges From ODF 1.2 (Non Normative) seems incomplete

Closed this issue · 1 comments

We started discussing this issue in our ODF TC call today:

Of the 11 deprecations 5 are not being listed at all.
The other are listed somewhere but not under deprecations.
5.3.6 text:numbered-paragraph (deprecated)listed in Changes Appendix under Changed elements, office-1437
5.3.7 Numbered Paragraph Style Rules (deprecated)Not listed
10.4.7 draw:applet (Deprecated)listed under Changed Elements
10.8.4 presentation:show-text (deprecated)Not listed
19.815.2 draw:text-box (deprecated)an attribute of it changed
19.815.5 text:changed-region (deprecated)Not listed
19.815.6 text:h (deprecated)Not listed
19.815.8 (deprecated)Not listed
19.835 text:list-id (deprecated)listed under Changed Attributes
19.874.6 text:numbered-paragraph (deprecated)listed under changes for text:start-value, office-1437
19.880.25 text:numbered-paragraph (deprecated)listed under Changes for text:style-name, office-1437

We should also fix
the variable capitalization of deprecated/Deprecated in headings
the variable use of parentheses.

this is duplicate of #37 => closed