
Rename repository to sapphire

Opened this issue · 3 comments

It would make sense to rename this monorepo from "sapphire-paratime" to just "sapphire" (i.e. https://github.com/oasisprotocol/sapphire-paratime/ -> https://github.com/oasisprotocol/sapphire/) and call the product Oasis Sapphire. Then in the text, where appropriate, it can be shortened to just Sapphire.

The thing that would be still be called Sapphire ParaTime would be the actual runtime inside the runtime/ directory.

We would need to go through the code in the repo and see where we need to rename things from sapphire-paratime to sapphire and where they should stay sapphire-paratime.

aefhm commented

Very much agree with the rename.

matevz commented

I am slightly against breaking the -paratime convention for the runtime repos. But we could split the sapphire-paratime repo into:

  • sapphire-paratime: just the runtime, same format as cipher-paratime, emerald-paratime, keymanager-paratime, pontusx-paratime etc.
  • sapphire-sdk: everything else (clients, contracts, docs, examples)

If monorepos are a bad idea, we could have more of those:

  • sapphire-paratime
  • sapphire-contracts
  • sapphire-client-js (monorepo also containing hardhat, viem, wagmi and examples)
  • sapphire-client-py
  • sapphire-client-go
  • sapphire-docs
aefhm commented

I am slightly against breaking the -paratime convention for the runtime repos. But we could split the sapphire-paratime repo into:

  • sapphire-paratime: just the runtime, same format as cipher-paratime, emerald-paratime, keymanager-paratime, pontusx-paratime etc.
  • sapphire-sdk: everything else (clients, contracts, docs, examples)

➕ to the split preserving the monorepo for al the clients and tooling. I'm cool with a separate sapphire-paratime repo or embedded in the monorepo.